Join us

By joining our club, you get first access to all of our wines. Members also receive discounts on vineyard tastings and tours, as well as access to exclusive events including pick up parties and in-home tasting with the winemaker. You are welcome to pick up each shipment in person at our pickup parties or in our tasting room.

4 Bottles

  • 4 bottles shipped twice per year

  • 10% discount on wine purchases

  • 2 complimentary tastings per visit

6 Bottles

  • 6 bottles twice per year — fully customizable

  • 15% discount on wine purchases

  • 4 complimentary tastings

  • Access to limited production, special format, and library wines

  • Discounts on vineyard tasting tours

  • Access to exclusive events including pick up parties and in-home tastings with the winemaker


  • 12 bottles shipped twice per year — fully customizable

  • 20% discount on wine purchases

  • 6 complimentary tastings

  • First access to limited production wines

  • Inclusive shipping

  • First access to estate truffle pre-sale